Friday, September 28, 2012

This is how we live

Have i ever mentioned before?that i have very bestfriend.this time,i'm going to post the girls first.

1. Clairine Irawan.
well i would like all of you to guess,which one she is and i'll give the hint.
she use glasses,the very cheerfull looking one,the most of my time i spent with her.
for me,this one is the best at giving advice,she's not afraid to be true with me,she's not fake like the other did.I've knew her since i was only around 5 yo i guess.oh,1st grade of primary school.she has a lot talent,as i know,she do art,music (guitar,piano),graphic design,singing,and also logic things.she goes to sains  a friend,i'm very proud of her achievements

2.Sanny Kirana
this one is the calm one when it comes to problems through me.but the most sweetest thing that i get from her is the fact that she never leave my side.she's the oriental looking one,with two narrow eyes and athletic female body (i guess).i'm glad to have her always be in my side.altough,she's not a subjective person,she always act fair and objective to everyone,this personalty that i've admit so much from her.such a leo sign,she is always up for a challange 

3.Vinasia Tjiputra
i do have a lot arugements because we have different opinion but still,she is always thought me a lot of things.i've met her since i was a kindergarden student.she's the good looking one,with long black hair and a smiley person,and skinny white skin.the most thing that i admit her,that she always come to forgive.we also being together and through so many things.may be people may think she's not that close to me but to annouce the fact,both of us is very close even my mom closeto her mom too.oh no,my mom is close to claire's mom as well as sanny's mom too :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Ultimate Goal

- Menjadi Kepala Bukan Ekor-
ini adalah sebuah judul buku dimana buku ini baik diperuntukan atau dibaca oleh para remaja atau pemuda yang sedang dalam proses mencari tujuan akhir.
kata-kata yang sungguh tertanam dalam hati gua adalah, " We cannot become what we want to be, by remaining what we are"
setelah membaca buku ini gua mendapat banyak masukan yaitu bagaimana caranya menjadi sukses dengan menjadi diri sendiri dan percaya akan kemampuan karena kemampuan atau kelebihan adalah suatu karunia yang dikasih Tuhan dalam hidup setiap manusia agar manusia itu mengoptimalkan fungsi kelebihan tersebut dan menjadi yang terbaik diantara para pesaing yang ahli dibidangnya.
sebuah ilustrasi,
           ketika seorang pencipta menciptakan kursi,tentu fungsinya itu ditentukan sendiri oleh penciptanya,yaitu untuk duduk dan pencipta tidak akan menciptakan jika ia tidak punya tujuan dari penciptaan yang dia lakukan.
sebagaimana,hal ini sama dengan Tuhan,Ia menciptakan manusia dan Ia sendiri pula yang menentukan fungsi manusia itu sendiri dan hidup ini adalah tentang apa yang Tuhan inginkan daripada kita.
Tuhan memberikan kita masing-masing fungsi yang berbeda,mengoptimalkan fungsi kita pada bidang masing-masing dan menjadikan itu sebagai pekerjaan untuk melayani Tuhan karena kita sebagai hamba Tuhan.
gua sering mengalami hal dimana gua mempunyai kemampuan tapi bingung gimana cara mengoptimalkan fungsi kemampuan gua dengan baik.seperti halnya orang lain,terkadang kempampuan atau fungsi gua hanya dikaitkan dengan sekedar "HOBBY" aja tanpa gua sadari bahwa berawal dari hobby sesuatu yang dioptimalkan pada akhirnya menjadi hal besar,kembali sesuai dengan fungsi diri kita masing-masing.
berupaya meniru apa yang dilakukan orang lain hanya karena orang itu lebih baik gak akan berhasil untuk membuat diri kita sebaik orang itu,tentu aja karena kita punya fungsi yang berbeda.
gua,dalam pemikiran gua,guaitu seorang yang extrovert,gua gak takut untuk membuka pikiran gua sendiri dan pendapat gua ke orang lain dan sebagaimana gua jg suka memberikan masukan kepada suatu hasil orang lain,gua juga suka mengatur sesuatu agar menjadi lebih baik menurut gambaran gua dan gua juga ga takut untuk menerima masukan orang lain meskipun terkadang beberapa masukan ga benar,tetapi sebagai manusia ,masukan itu penting untuk disyukuri.itulah kenapa,gua menjadi diri gua sendiri sekarang :)
gua bangga punya banyak hobby,gua suka menggambar,main musik,main basket,gua juga suka photography,bahkan fashion dan gua berusaha mengoptimalkan kemampuan gua ini yang pada akhirnya itulah tujuan akhir hidup gua,gua punya impian yang lebih besar untuk diri gua sendiri dibandingan dengan impian orang tua gua terhadap anaknya.gua punya banyak fungsi dalam diri gua yang akan gua gunakan untuk menuju impian gua itu,dan ketika gua mencapai impian gua itu,gua akan menggunakannya untuk melayani Tuhan sebagaimana Tuhan mau dari gua.pada saat itulah,gua akan meraih impian sejati.


akhir kata..., JUST BE YOURSELF :)

Friday, September 21, 2012


talking about brands,Louis Vuitton,Prada,Hugo Boss,Channel,Burberry,Versace,Esprit,Ambassador,Emporio Armani,Guess all so familiar and originally western side.Western became the First everlasting fashion,and i'd have to admit that i've a bit interest in fashion and follow the trends sometimes.and these are some Brand which i like the Most  :

it's not like the Brands is that simple so i comes to like them,but because the product they made are most comfy and most type of the style is really my taste.for example this one is the the new collection of winter outcome 2012/2013.this is totally my taste and i really love it :) 

and the Bag which stole my mind : 

and i'm going to ask my mom whether i'm allowed to buy some for Christmas or not.


well Hello :D.
what have been made me so excited for the hole day,starting from monday this week is becuse i just got 2 new jerseys.
this time we got LYNX style and i got number #10

here we goooo...
 and this is my number...
i love the white one more :D

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Small Candle light

today, i was asked by a teacher " what's the symbol of your life? ".
i keep to think, "actually,who am i..."
i had very bad memories,veryverybad and i just couldn't be deal with. i'm to afraid to tell them, to tell everyone that i was once hated by every child in my class.back to when i was in 1st grade of school,it was my first time to be in school,and just like an innocent child would do, i was tried to made friends.
since i was a child,i love to made friends,no matter what they are,no matter what their status, religion, and what clan and even my family said that i have to always put first priority to my own parts but i really want to make friends,
some friends that my mom can accept it are only claire,vina,sanny,owen,ferry,and gio.the friends that being with me since i was only a toodler.and else,she'll never let me being to close
then, now.I have so many friends,and i can say that thy're close enough to me,glad to have them with me even my mom often to keep warn me and sometimes not even let me to hang out with them without one of my lifetime friends be with me to but i do really happy..
altough i've know that not everyone can stand by my friendly act.Some may be upset and feels disturbed.
i've had tried my best to warm,to keep smile,to keep being friendly and no matter what i won't hate people and the fact that i even couldn't but i know,
i dream of to be a candle,to use my strenght to be the light for who's in the dark,but also i have to admit that not everyone going to be accept and like you easily,Xaveria Agnes Faustine Sanjaya :")

It's quite a lot i've been gone through judgement.Some judge me before they know about me,judge me because my act just because i am noisy,geek,nerd,and so do i...
but the most hurting part, they judge me before they know who am i.and without asking me they spread they hates feeling and here i am, can't even hate them who did dig up my heart and it's hurt.
i want to hate,but how....i've always end up being hurt and hated by the doer and yet,i can't hate cause i know,there's no point of hating them even if i can.
hate me as much as you want,judge me as much as you want before i can avenge what you did to me before :")