Sunday, October 21, 2012

An Advice to an Acquaintance

beberapa saat yang lalu,belum lama,gua membuka blog salah seorang kenalan gua dari middle school dulu.
wilayah rumah kami sama,dulu sih pernah beberapa kali main bareng,but ya for me,orang ini agak sedikit intovert.
hemm di post blognya yang udah agak lamaan,tentang bagaimana orang-orang ternyata ga memikirkan perasaannya.
well, hei :d if you read this post,will you take this as an advice?do me a favor too okay?don't tell anyone if you find that this post i've been writing is for you.
satu hal aja,dipikir-pikir,jika kamu adalah seorang manusia,punya perasaan dan mampu berbicara,berbicara apa adanya.jika ingin di hargai orang lain,buatlah agar orang lain mengargai kamu,hem..intinya to the point sih jadilah orang yang open minded.
wajar sih gabisa marah,mungkin dalem hati sendiri ada juga rasa ga enak sama orang lain,gua juga sama :).
tapi terkadang apa yang membuat gua ingin dihargai orang lain adalah gua harus menunjukan pertama-tama gua harus di akui orang lain.kuncinya?...jadinya seseorang yang menonjol di banyak bidang.
berusaha agar terlihat orang lain,caranya mudah kok.
hal lain lagi,jangan biarkan dirimu sendiri diremehkan oleh orang lain bahkan teman-teman mu sendiri.beranilah dalam membuat apa itu commitment diri,jika memang kamu merasa mereka bukan lah teman yang baik dalam mengerti kamu,apalagi kamu sering dkecewakan,beranilah untuk meninggalkan.
say to yourself, i will not too depend on anyone.jika seseorang sudah merasa kamu sangat membutuhkan dia,itulah saat dimana seseorang memandang rendah terhadap dirimu sendiri.
hargai dulu diri mu sendiri,dunia akan memangdang rendah apabila kamu tidak berusaha naik ke atas.
jika kamu memang tidak suka melihat ketidak adilan,ungkapkan itu,karena dimana perasaan itu keluar secara sendirinya mengalir,gua yakin,orang-orang akan mengerti siapa dirimu dan bisa bersikap sebagaimana kamu juga memperlakukan mereka dengan baik.
trust me.tidak akan terjadi ketidakseimbangan.
sekian dulu post ini,and for you,remember,take this as an advice okay ? :)

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Goodbye Brielle

ada yang tau, Owl City? yap, Adam Young..
Owen suka banget sama yang namanya Owl City,mulai dari lagunya yang katanya maknanya dalem tapi agak non-sense,suaranya,gayanya dan katanya lagu-lagunya hampir rata-rata semua enak.
namanya Owen, sampe hampir semua lagunya dia tau liriknya,albumnya dan ga bosen-bosen mention adam di twitter.
i have to admit juga sih sebenernya,gua juga suka beberapa lagu Owl City,try to listening to "Deer in the headlights", " Vanilla Twilight" , "TheChristmas song", "Cave in", "fireflies". ya itu aja deh dulu yang bisa gua recomend untuk coba dengerin,sebenernya sih masih banyak juga yang gua suka.
btw,Tujuan post ini sebenernya mau ngepost lagu sedihnya adam diantara semua lagu-lagu enak itu.
ini lagu yang kalo menurut gua,paling sendu-sendu gimana ya pokoknya ceritanya ini lagu tentang kematian.
waktu nyiptain lagu ini,nama Owl City sebelumnya itu Sky Sailing.Adam sempet nyanyiin lagu judulnya "Brielle".gua suka lagunya,bukan karena maknanya tapi gatau kenapa kata-kata Adam disini mendalam.berikut ini liriknya :


There's a handwritten note pressed in the door of her screened in porch
And I am sailing away recalling that day miles from shore
She was still wearing white and robins egg blue, Her grandmother's dress
When I left early this year, how I wound up here is anyone's guess
When the new sites grow old and I start to feel cold I'll sail home again

Goodbye Brielle
Only whispers can tell
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well
I'll see you around our dear ocean town
The frozen days we set ablaze
Sent me drifting away
Like a butterfly, I floated by and now I'm alone
I wish I knew when I'll be back again
So until then I wish you well
My dear Brielle

Strolling over the sand, cobblestone paths that wind through the trees
Breathing the sweet forest air makes a shy boy aware that he could be free
When the new sites grow old and I start to feel cold I'll sail home again

Goodbye Brielle
Only whispers can tell
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well
I'll see you around our dear ocean town
The frozen days we set ablaze
Sent me drifting away
Like a butterfly, I floated by and now I'm alone
I wish I knew when I'll be back again
So until then I wish you well
So until then I wish you well
For the time being farewell
My dear Brielle

jadi, ceritanya di lagu ini bisa di andaikan Adam kehilangan kekasihnya karena meninggal,kata-katanya susah di mengerti dan gua juga baru tau cerita dari lagu ini karena temen gua itu ceritain panjang lebar.kalo penasaran gimana lagunya bisa di coba cari di youtube

Monday, October 08, 2012

Fragile Flowers

this is my another creation.
made in class,11 IPS 1. as my memories,i created this on my own. and this photo was edited by one of my friends : Stevani Deska.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

The Boys Side

1. Owen . K
we were go to the same kindergarden.He is totally freak and calm,however he is very realistic about every problems through me.His advice,is just simple as that but i know actually he would really mean that.
as far i learn how to life with simplicity.a bboy and his move totally really look alike robot.

2. Ferry.S
funnier than the other,a very simple person and a bit shy. i've got to know him since 1st grade of primary school.he has no idea when it comes to advice, but then,he will support what is the right one.

actually,it's one more person, Giovanni Jeremy but since i don't have his photo taken with me so next time may be i'll update this post


Friday, October 05, 2012

a letter from candle

it's alright.that's enough now...
you see,you'll be happier promised me to choose what makes you happy.
you made the choice that will make you happy, right?
that's enough then.
from now on,don't turn back,and don't feel sorry for me
just think about being happy,from now on because you definitely need to be happy, okay?
you really have to live well, okay?
promise me, you'll become the happiest person in the world.
that's enough..
i thought i had overcome all there was to overcome, but there's is still more left to overcome
i though i had hurt as much i could hurt, but there's still left more my self to hurt...
a letter from candle will never just get enough, but there's is still a warmness of a candle light.
even it's just a small candle,trying for stand all the time over that all through,
still,it will come,the time,when a candle light must meet the fate, the fate of swept away,that moment...
when a candle is only just a molten wax.
but a small candle light, wish that all of her friends, will remember just the warmness she could gave from the very start of born

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

My forever dream

it's been a long time since i haven't post about song.
post ini bener2 gua bikin malem, sekarang itu sekitar jam 1an.oiya,gua lagi nonton serial drama korea judulnya "Baker king" and suddenly,ada ost lagunya yang for me it's good to listen.
here is it,


it's okay if i'm lonely
doesn't matter if things are hard,
it's okay...
love will fly my heart
today i'll live in this world
look,isn't this working just fine
i can see you whenever i close my eyes
now i can hear that voice
by my ear,walking toward you
just the dream i have every single day
if i can live with you like that
i would be able to stand up again
that happiness in your precious memory
will let you feel the warmth even during difficult time..
to me , hope is a dream that never falls asleep
swallowing my sorrows in the midst of pain like this
i will show you my smiling face, it doesn't hurt anymore
i always hold the dreams i want to fulfill with you
and i'll call you from the distance i could never go
this is my forever dream.

this is so touching apalagi mix with some scene yang emg mengharukan.this is one of korean song that i have to admit i love to listening it.the music , i almost dream 'bout playin' with my piano