Friday, September 17, 2010

it's hurts

hey friend,have you been feel as i feel today?have you?!you're LIAR!i hate you,you said you're sorry about that problem yesterday,but,what's the fact?!my friend,you lied me again!so,there's nothing mean tou you about my feeling?FINE!
gw bnr2 skit hati sma lu,gw masi prcya lu tmn gw,tp apa,YOU'RE TOTALLY CHANGE YOUR MIND!lu tega!gua bnci sma lu
dri dlu gw slalu dukung slalu percya sma lu,pikir!lu flash back lg deh klo lu ga bsa mikir!lu liat lah!bgimana kerasny gua slalu bkin lu sng!gua skit hati ma lu,there's a thing you should remember!,I"LL NEVER FORGIVE you!i hatevery hate youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!

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